The Accident

On 4/16/2010 at approximately 10 to 10:15pm, my Lenny was involved in a serious boating accident. There were 6 occupants of the boat, all were injured. Both Lenny and his best friend Jakie sustained life threatening injuries and were airlifted to trauma centers, Jakie to Las Vegas, Lenny to Phoenix.

I received a call at 1:45am informing me of the accident. I then spent the next 2 hours trying to find him and find out what happened. After calling two hospitals I found Jakie, and then called his mom and she took it from there. I still couldn't find Lenny, so I called the Lake Havasu Police and they got back to me in about a half an hour telling me he was in Phoenix and that the social worker would be calling me soon. Next came the longest 20 minutes of my life. Waiting to hear....

Lenny sustained the following injuries - Completely fractured face from the upper jaw to above the eyes, broken neck, broken ribs, collapsed lungs, and severely broken legs. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I spent the next several minutes rallying friends and getting to YiYi (that is what Lenny calls his sister). We all headed to Phoenix and below I will update you on his condition, how we are holding up, and have a way to communicate with you to keep you updated and be able to answer your questions and be able to get the support we so desperately need from all the wonderful people that love him.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week Two - Tuesday

Well here we are, the end of 11 days since the accident. Sometimes it still feels like day one, but I am glad it is not.

Today was not very eventful, Lenny has not made much progress with the breathing. For the past two nights during the night they have had to bag him and bring his oxygen level up. They don't exactly know why it happens, it just does. The lowest setting on the vent is 40% oxygen. We need him to stay at 40% oxygen for 24 hours for them to try vent trials again to get him off the vent. He did great today during the day so lets all pray for a great night.

He is healing so well. You see the bruises slowly fading and the left side of his face almost looks like him again. We are waiting for an answer from the plastic surgery team on when the stitches will come off his eyes, as I think once he can open his left eye he will feel a little better. It will be a little while for the right eye I am sure as it very swollen. On the original plan his jaw was only to be wired shut for 2 weeks, so that only leaves us 5 more days, can you believe it has already been that long? I hope we are on the same plan.

Lenny has pretty much been asleep when I visit for the past two days. When that happens I feel really nervous that he hasn't communicated much with me. Well today at the afternoon visit he was a little more awake and he did communicate with me. I asked him if he was listening to me and he shook his head yes. I explained to him that he needs to remember that getting angry and frustrated only prolongs his stay in the hospital. I need him to be calm and no matter how pissed he is to remember that this will be over soon, and everything everyone is doing is what needs to be done. I also told him to take deep breaths so we can get him off that ventilator. He nodded yes and squeezed my hand. I hope he remembers.

So this evening I brought cookies in again for the nurses. We want them to be extra good to our Lenny and they deserve it. They are all so nice and so good at their jobs.

WAY TO GO LAKERS! They heard my cries and won by 24 points! The gnome is at work! Now lets clench the series! I called the hospital just now and asked the nurse to tell Lenny when he was awake. She said no way cause that makes her unhappy LOL, I have to remember I am in Suns country here. But she said she would tell him. Heres to a good nights sleep for Lenny!

Love you all, and I will hopefully have some good news tomorrow about his eye stitches.


  1. Nancy,

    Good to hear some better news today. I get excited for your daily blogs to learn of how Lenny is doing and how you are holding up. Yesterday you talked of pushing it all down but you don't know how to. Well my answer is Dont! You have so many friends and family that are here to listen and help. So vent away to all of us! Also, go to a local gym an take a boxing class or just go beat the crap out of their punching bag, that is a stress reliever right there.
    Also, Lenny has turned me back to the darkside. I don't like the Lakers but I find myself cheering them on so that Lenny has something to look forward to when he gets better to watch the playoffs.
    Well I hope things ot better last night and I look forward to reading your next post. Take care


  2. Way to go LAKERS!! I agree with your friend Liz dont keep it down inside you. You need to get this all out of you if you dont you wont be any help to Lenny. So vent away!! You need to stay strong and healthy. Hopefully today will be a better day. He needs alot of rest right now to heal. You are a great person!!! And take all the help you can and dont be afraid to ask for it. That is what true friends and family and even stangers that care for you guys are for. Have a great day.

    Love to you and Lenny!!!

  3. Good job Lakers! Vent away Nancy. You have to. If you dont, you will lose your mind. You have to let it out. With the Lakers winning last night, this will be a day for Lenny. I find my self watching the games more now then before. Crazy! Much Love!


  4. Keep writing Nancy. I love hearing how Lenny and you are doing and I have never met you two. My thoughts are with you two. You are a wonderful person.

    The Shedlocks
    Peoria AZ

  5. Nancy,
    I am sure you are upset to see Lenny being more combative but, for me that is good news. That means he has more fight in him now. Before, he just had enough energy to hold on. So, maybe as he has his quiet days and his frustrated days you can see the fighting and frustration as his strength returning.
    He has to have fight in him to survive the first hour of this ordeal.


  6. Nancy:
    Never feel you cannot vent we are all here for you and will be for as long as you want us to be. Every day in this healing process will bring about a challenges of some sort. Some will be good and some will be hard to handle but before you know it the time will have gone by and he will have come through it all and he will be well again. Just keep reminding him everyday not to get angry and frustrated to stay calm and he will heal faster. We all love you and will be there as your sounding board to help you through this. Stay strong Got is watching over you both.

    Love Mom

  7. Hi Lenny and My Strong Beatiful Daughter; Just read your update for Lenny, for Tuesday,I'm so Very Glad that He is doing so good today. It will take a long for everything to Heal. Tell Lenny that I checked up on the Cats today, they all miss you Both Very Much, today Penny got up on my Chest and Layed down across my Chest and fell asleep. She Misses you Both alot !!! They all do !!! Well Lenny hang in there and Get Well Fast !!!! I'm Praying for Your Fast Recovery !!! All My Love to You Both !!! DAD.
