The Accident

On 4/16/2010 at approximately 10 to 10:15pm, my Lenny was involved in a serious boating accident. There were 6 occupants of the boat, all were injured. Both Lenny and his best friend Jakie sustained life threatening injuries and were airlifted to trauma centers, Jakie to Las Vegas, Lenny to Phoenix.

I received a call at 1:45am informing me of the accident. I then spent the next 2 hours trying to find him and find out what happened. After calling two hospitals I found Jakie, and then called his mom and she took it from there. I still couldn't find Lenny, so I called the Lake Havasu Police and they got back to me in about a half an hour telling me he was in Phoenix and that the social worker would be calling me soon. Next came the longest 20 minutes of my life. Waiting to hear....

Lenny sustained the following injuries - Completely fractured face from the upper jaw to above the eyes, broken neck, broken ribs, collapsed lungs, and severely broken legs. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I spent the next several minutes rallying friends and getting to YiYi (that is what Lenny calls his sister). We all headed to Phoenix and below I will update you on his condition, how we are holding up, and have a way to communicate with you to keep you updated and be able to answer your questions and be able to get the support we so desperately need from all the wonderful people that love him.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


First of all I would like to thank all of you for your kind words. I didn't know how much it would really help to know that so many people take the time to support us.

I slept a few hours last night which is an improvement. I decided this morning to actually comb my hair and try to put myself together more. I went to see Lenny for the morning visit and he was awake, barely. He is of course being treated for pain because of the extensive surgery. I learned this morning that there was a complication with his feeding tube but that it was an easy fix. We had a nice visit but he slept most of the time.

By the afternoon visit he was just a little more awake so it took me a little longer to understand what he was trying to tell me. He kept taking my hand and Yiyi was able to understand that he was making a "W" and then he was rubbing my hand on his stomach, and Yiyi figured out he wanted a bath. He was glad when we figured out what it was, but then he only wanted me to do it. We explained that the nurses had to do it for his safety.

Great news, he will not have to have neck surgery. He will be in the brace for at least six weeks, maybe longer, but the more times we can keep him out of surgery the sooner he can start focusing on recovery. Every time he goes into surgery the worse we have to worry about him making it out, so the least amount of necessary surgeries, the better.

The evening visit brought Lenny asking about "Fat Boy"(Jakie) once I figured it out what he was trying to tell me by pointing to his belly. I finally got Fat, but it took me a minute to get Boy. So now the code gesture for Fat Boy is giggling the belly with his hand. I told him how Jakie was doing and he gave his "awesome" hand gesture. Next he moved on to wanting to know about "TD" I could for the life of me not figure out what "TD" stood for. I felt horrible. The visit was over and I couldn't tell him what he was looking for. Well sure as you know it as soon as I got back to the room I figure it out "The Dog". For those of you who don't know us that is one of our cats, the one that loves Lenny the MOST! Lenny and I have 4 cats, yes, I said 4 cats. Lenny cannot help but save those stray cats he finds at his work, the first two we wanted, the last two he rescued. The Dog is Lenny's baby, and it is obvious he is missing him.

I was so excited to get to the night visit to tell him I figured out he wanted to know about The Dog, but when we got there he was out for the count. Usually he will wake up just a little, but not tonight, he was resting peacefully. Now for the funny part, when we walked in the SICU nurses had found a TV for Lenny and rolled it next to his bed. Anyone want to guess what they had on for him to listen to, yes you guessed it, Laker Game. It is to bad that he is so knocked out that he doesn't know, but I hope he can still hear it. The nurses here are so wonderful, and Lenny has Barry again tonight which we love. They still haven't bathed him but will be tonight.

Today was an awful day for me, I was a zombie not knowing whether to cry, vomit, or scream, and I still don't know how I will get through this, but I don't have a choice. I will never understand why this has happened to us, and why our families were the ones chosen to endure this tragedy. What were they all thinking? Will any of us ever know? It doesn't even matter. Nothing does anymore. All that matters now is Lenny and Jakie, and my two guys getting through this. One day at a time, one minute at a time really, because that is all I feel like I can get through sometime. It is going to be a long road for our guys, and one of the most painful things is I cannot be with Jakie. He is our best friend and has been for so long. Lenny and Jakie have the bond more like brothers then friends, they call each other daily, several times, just to say nothing to each other. It is amazing. I just want to hug Jakie, see him, know he is ok, but I have to focus on Lenny, just as Mother and Wendy have to focus on Jakie. The pain for each of our families is so intensified because we are separated and doing this without each other. I imagine the pain I feel for Jakie is the same pain they are feeling for Lenny. Both our families have to endure this times 2, not just one of our guys, but both of them. I imagine it is the same for you all that know us, because if you know us, you know Jakie.

Lenny has always told me so many times that when times have been rough for us in this down turned market we would "make it work". That is what I will have to do now, make it work. For our survival, not just health wise, but life wise. I will figure out a way to make this work, I have to. I am a manager, that is what I do, so I have to manage.

Thank you again to all of you out there. Please spread the word as high and far as you can. Our guys need you, as do I.

I love you all, Nanc


  1. For the last five years we have used each other as a sounding board for all our complaints about this retarded industry. Seems so trivial now. Know that I'm just a call away if u need. You're tougher than this and in my prayers so I'll see you soon.

  2. Nancy:
    As your mother my heart is breaking for what you and Lenny are going through. No one should ever have to endure such hardship. You have always been my rock and now you are Lenny's rock to see him through this painful time. You will get through this my daughter one moment at a time and Lenny's journey through recovery will be easier with you there to guide him through it. I love you so much and pray for both of you several times a day. No one will ever feel the pain your enduring but with all the love you and Lenny have coming your way both from family and friends you will stay strong and be able to hold up through all of this. Lenny is the luckiest man in the world to have you there for him as I am sure he realizes. We all love you.

  3. I am glad Lenny got a T.V. for the Lakers game. Also, this news you are sharing on Lenny's progress is good. With time, Lenny will get better. He has you to be there to help with his recovery. He is truly very lucky. So many times you have helped so many people and now we will all be here to help you and Lenny.

    Love, Julia

  4. When I was 16, I found a book of poetry in a house we just moved into. I was going through my teen years of hormones and broken hearts. I felt my world was providing greater weight than I could bare and I found...

    The Rose.

    Out of the Earth, the rose
    Out of the night, the dawn
    Out of life and all its woes
    comes the courage to press on.

    Author long forgotten....

    After 49 years on this planet and more woes than I than I thought bearable, the rose has always been there for me, as I hope it will be for you guys.


  5. Lenny was like a Brother to me during a very important part of my life. Although we don't see eachother very often I still consider him my Brother. I talked to him a month ago for the first time in about a year. It was like we never lost contact. Nancy has been a blessing to Lenny. It shows now more than ever. Keep you heads up and let me know if you need anything, even if its just a shoulder to cry on.

  6. First to Nancy:
    I am so grateful that Lenny has you in his life. I can tell how much you love Lenny and this will help him get through this difficult recovery time. Thanks also for creating this blog for everyone, so we can keep up with what is happening.

    To Mishell: I know how much Lenny and you mean to each other. I have always been glad that you have each other when others have let you down. With your and Nancy's help, Lenny will pull through this. I love you.

    To Lenny: My heart has been broken for all the pain you are having to endure. But you are one tough guy (that Clem stubbornness) and if anyone can pull through this with flying colors, it is you. Lenny, even though we don't see each other often, I want you to know that you are very special to me. You have always held a piece of my heart. I hope to come visit with you once you are feeling up to company. Hang in there nephew. I love you.

  7. To Nancy:
    I am Fred's fiance. Fred was on the boat and was also airlifted to Vegas for treatment (same hospital as Jake). Like you, I received the dreaded phone call just before 1am and immediately jumped in my car to drive 4 hours to Vegas where he was being airlifted. I am so sorry to hear about Lenny, Jake and everyone else injured. This has been a complete nightmare for everyone. Though Fred's injuries are not as serious as Lenny's, I can relate to what you must be going through and so please know that Fred and I are thinking of Lenny, you and your family and sending our thoughts and prayers. Though we don't know each other, please know that I am here if you need someone to talk to.

  8. my prayers are with all of you through this horrible time. god bless each and every one of you! I used to hang out with Lenny every day when he worked at Fab Pros. He drank so much Dr. Pepper. It was his favorite. Lol. hes such an amazing guy and my heart goes out to him!

  9. As Brett and Zack have said, we have all been friends for so long. We have talked Nanc and you know we are here, whatever you need. Even though we don't see you guys nearly as much as we should, our love for you has never changed. I've always thought that you were truly a blessing to Lenny, now this is obvious more than ever. I've heard so many people say that you are a strong person, I know you'll make it through. I've been there, I don't know how you do it, but one minute, one day at a time and next thing you know he'll be doing better. As Brett said above, we are here, even if you just need to talk. The machines, the doctors, the techs, the diagnosis, the constant changes are terrifying. I remember it vividly. Hang in there and please tell Lenny we love him and we're thinking about him.

  10. we love you guys! staying postive. nancy you are an amazing women.keep it up. lenny and jakie stay stong. we hope to see u guys soon..

  11. It seems strange for me to be home now.... I can't stop thinking & praying for you & Lenny. I wish I was still there with you, I know you understand I have to be here for Kodie. I am only a phone call away though. You are so strong Nancy I know you will get through this. Please give Lenny my love and know that he has so many prayers coming his way. He is strong and I a praying for a full recovery.
    Love you both.... Mel

  12. Hay Lenny, I'm Praying for Your Fast Recovery. It's going to be Hard but I know that you can do it with my Daughter and your Sister, Friends by your Side. It Broke My Heart when I heard what happened to you and jakie. Lenny your like my Son !!! I'm Glade that your with Nancy my Daughter !!! Please try and not worry about Dog, I will check on him often; and I will send you some Pictures of him soon. My Prayers are with YOU !!!! Yes LOL, Even Old Bikers Like Me Pray !!! Beleave it I've Prayed every night ever since I can rember. Well Dud, All I can say is GOD got me threw a Whole Lot of SHIT !!!! I Think You know what I'm Talking about. GOD BLESS YOU & NANCY !!!!! Love Billy AKA EGOR. DAD.

  13. Evening Nancy and Lenny and Jakie,
    Have been praying as each day goes by that you both get better Jakie and Lenny, and that God continues to give Jakie's mother and sister, and Nancy peace of mind with strength to boot! Here is a scripture thought for today it comes to you from one of my favorite Pastors James McDonald. Since Pastor James puts it best I think I will just quote it from his book entitled, "Gripped by the Greatness of God!" page 54. God's Awesomeness-Your Shelter. In the Bible, God's awesomeness and His name Almighty often go together. Almighty is translated El-Shaddai in Hebrew, which literally means. "God of the Mountains." "Every time you read about God Almighty think of His mountain-like majesty, in whose presence there is a "secret place" or a shadow. In His awesomeness, you can also find shelter. When the Psalmist needed protection in time of need-he went to God, His awesome mountain of safety. You too have this place of refuge in God's awesomeness. Memorize Psalms 91:1 so you know where to run when times get tough even difficult, when things don't make any sense and yet a lot of sense at the same time. He, God will be your ultimate shelter. It says,"He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Another one of my favorite verses to remember is in the book of Isaiah,"Do you not know, Have you not heard?" The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. I figured since my God is like this I can call upon Him day or night and know that He hears me... I pray the same for all of you that all of you may KNOW THAT HE HEARS YOU TOO!. Have a great night.
    Lot's of Love,
    Patti Brown
